Ages: 11+
Available: School Year
L'Anse: Tuesday 2:45-4:00 (FULL - register to be added to the waiting list)
Instructor(s): Amanda Knapp
Taste the world! Advance your cooking skills by making dishes from around the world and learning about the cultures that created them. Students should know basic cooking and kitchen skills before taking this class.
A homeschooling mom since 2008, Amanda brings a love of learning to her work for Kaleidoscope. Amanda has taught several different classes to groups of homeschoolers, such as cooking and DIY projects. Amanda is the go-to substitute for both teaching classes and supervising the Kaleidoscope L’Anse facility, where she is known as the “Kaleidoscope Fairy” for filling in wherever needed. Her favorite thing about working at Kaleidoscope is when students tell her they are doing something at home that she taught them about or introduced to them. In her free time, Amanda can be found helping others or going for walks and hikes with her family to spend some time in the great outdoors.