Member Handbook

Section 1: Kaleidoscope Overview

Welcome to Kaleidoscope

We are excited to be able to offer a variety of classes, resources, and events for the community. This handbook is meant to be a comprehensive guide for Kaleidoscope families, but we realize that questions might arise that are not covered in the handbook. Please contact us with any questions that you may have. Kaleidoscope families also receive regular communication and updates via our monthly online newsletter.

Kaleidoscope Registration

Virtual Electives

Virtual Programs Partners in the State of Michigan are required to have a virtual component for each elective to document learning, and each component must meet Kaleidoscope and CLK policy. 

  • Electives must meet standards for rigor and duration.
  • Each student must engage in a weekly lesson.
  • Lessons will vary in length and complexity depending on the age-range of the student.
  • All Kaleidoscope families will receive instruction on how to use Seesaw, our approved learning platform.

Optional Learning Experiences (OLEs)

Kaleidoscope students may choose to add content to their classes in the form of Optional Learning Experiences. 

Uses for OLE Funding

Explore the ways you can use your child’s Optional Learning Experience funding.

Kaleidoscope Non-Traditional Optional Learning Experiences

Kaleidoscope provides Optional Learning Experiences that go beyond our regular lessons, classes, and materials. 

Purchase and Reimbursement Process

Depending on your child’s elective, you may have funding available to put towards Optional Learning Experiences.


COVID-19 has brought about a unique set of changes and challenges for the past few years. Kaleidoscope will continue to follow both required and recommended guidelines from the CLK School District, the Upper Western Peninsula Health Department, and the State of Michigan. Please review our COVID-19 Plan to learn more about this.

Kaleidoscope Governance

Kaleidoscope is governed by a Board of Directors. Membership on this Board is available to any interested family members or community members. The Board meets on the second Thursday of every month, and as needed on the fourth Thursday of every month. Family members and community members are welcome to attend Board meetings. 

Kaleidoscope Calendar

Kaleidoscope follows the academic calendar of the CLK School District.

The 2023/2024 calendar can be found here.

Contact Information

PO Box 64
Houghton, MI 49931

Online Contact Form

Kaleidoscope L’Anse

830 N Main St
L’Anse, MI 49946


Kaleidoscope Hancock

417 Quincy St
Hancock, MI 49930

(906) 481-1965

Section 2: Kaleidoscope Policies and Procedures

Elective Funding Policy

Kaleidoscope can reimburse families for approved expenses directly related to their electives, up to a maximum amount of half of their elective funding for the first semester and half of their elective funding for the second semester.

Group Experience Policy

Funding may be requested for optional group learning experiences. These experiences must meet the following criteria: 

  • must be within the values of Kaleidoscope
  • must have a clear purpose
  • must be outlined in the Group Experience Form
  • must be intended for three or more Kaleidoscope students from two or more families
  • must be organized by a Kaleidoscope staff member, parent, or guardian
  • must be submitted at least one month in advance of the experience. 

Proposals will be reviewed by the Director and submitted to the Board to be voted on. Proposals that meet the criteria will be granted, provided that funding is available. If a proposal is denied, the Board will provide a written reason for the denial. Proposals that have been denied may be resubmitted if Board-requested changes have been made. 

Independent Student Policy

Independent students will be held to the same Kaleidoscope rules and community standards as shared-time and full-time students. 

Steps to determine enrollment availability: 

  • Set maximum class size based on instructor recommendation and facility capabilities. 
  • Allow shared-time and full-time students to sign up on a first come first serve basis, and at this point, ensure that there are enough students signed up to have the class be financially feasible. The number of students required will vary, and will depend on the length of class, instructor pay, and supplies/curriculum budget. 
  • Allow independent students to register for the remainder of class slots. 


Independent Students Full Year 1 Semester
Virtual Elective $310 $170
Basecamp or Explorer Class $310 $170

Independent students do not have to pay the separate registration fee. 

Class tuition is due up front prior to the start of classes. If paying by the semester, the semester rate applies. 

COVID-19 Policy

COVID-19 Plan; School Year 2023/2024

The purpose of this plan is to identify policy and guidelines for Kaleidoscope Optional Learning Experience (OLE) classes that will run during the 2023/2024 school year. Guidance for this document will be taken from local school district administration, the State of Michigan, the Center for Disease Control (CDC), and the Kaleidoscope Board of Directors. This plan will be included in the Staff, Instructor, and Family Handbooks, and all Kaleidoscope stakeholders will regularly be updated as policy and guidelines may continue to evolve throughout the school year which may require revisions.  

The following guidelines apply to students and their family members, faculty, staff, visitors, and contractors on Kaleidoscope property beginning August 2021.  

  • Face masks- The use of face masks is optional.  
    • Disposable face masks are available.
  • Employees and contractors will follow Kaleidoscope L’Anse cleaning protocols.
    • Cleaning supplies will be regularly audited and replaced.
  • Hand Sanitizer will be provided to individuals at the Kaleidoscope L’Anse. 
  • Families with students taking courses at the Kaleidoscope L’Anse location will sign the current year’s Health Agreement.  
    • Students, teachers, and staff should stay home when they have signs of any infectious illness and be referred to their healthcare provider for testing and care.

Seesaw Login Procedures

Section 3: Kaleidoscope Worksheets and Forms

Elective Spending Tracker

This is meant to be a tool to keep track of your own purchases and reimbursements, and does not need to be turned in with your other Kaleidoscope paperwork.

Elective Spending Tracker

Waivers and Consent Forms
